Patent Registration in Maharashtra

Maharashtra, the second most populous and the richest State of India, is definitely utmost suitable and preferred for utilizing our full gamut of legal services. Prosperous Maharashtra is nationwide and internationally famous for producing nearly 15% of country’s total industrial output and over 13% of national GDP every year. Moreover, it is the second most urbanized State of India with about 42% urban population. Hence, we offer exquisite and responsible legal services in all across the State, including ours ingenious and refined services for patent registration in maharashtra. Ours patent registration services in maharashtra are fully described in the following paragraphs.

Our expert and dedicated patent registration services in Maharashtra are offered for inventions and patents in all well-developed and fast progressing economic fields of the State, essentially including the fields of agriculture, chemicals and allied products, textiles, electrical and non-electrical machineries, petroleum and petroleum products, engineering goods, machine tools and metal products, pharmaceuticals, steel and iron castings, jewelry, plastic ware, and so on. These all inventions are made properly and strictly registered according to the rules and regulations given in the Patents Act of 1970 and amendments made thereto so far, and the Patents Rules of 1972.

In addition to patent registration in Maharashtra under this federal patent law, companies established in all across the State are also helped fully and adroitly regarding their international patent registrations under PCT, TRIPS Agreement, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention, with the intentions to support their international or worldwide businesses in diverse economic sectors. Our superb and confidential services regarding patent registrations are offered during the whole patent registration process in maharashtra. These all inventions proposed by companies and firms located in Maharashtra are registered, regulated, and controlled by the regional patent office situated in its glamorous capital Mumbai, in the following location:

The Patent Office Branch, Mumbai.
Baudhik Sampada Bhawan (Intellectual Property Building),
Near Antop Hill Post Office, Sheik Mistry Road (S. M. Road),
Antop Hill, Mumbai – 400037 (India)

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